Our case studies and publications on free access to African legal information.
Best Practices for Publishing Online Legislation
15 Nov 2021
Laws.Africa's best practices for publishing African legislation online.
AKN4Africa Recommendation
26 Jul 2021
Recommendations for using Akoma Ntoso with African legal materials.
Case studies

Kenya Law Case Study
October 2021
The Laws of Kenya department at Kenya Law uses Laws.Africa’s Indigo Legislation Platform to manage, consolidate and publish the Laws of Kenya in digital and print formats.

C4ADS Case Study
September 2021
C4ADS partnered with Laws.Africa to digitise African gazettes to support the disruption of illicit networks.

SpotOn Case Study
September 2021
SpotOn uses Laws.Africa's legislation data to provide an on-line compliance management system to enable clients to comply with environmental and health and safety legislation.

Press Release: AU African Governance Architecture Project
December 2020
Laws.Africa and four partners win a major EU grant to strengthen implementation of the African Union’s democracy and human rights agenda.